Earth Tones (Praful &&nbspSpirited Tribe)

Completing the CD trilogy, Earth Tones offers three mesmerizing, acoustic pieces, which build up from soft and still to intoxicating movement. Praful gathered a group of his favorite, sensitive musicians and a love support team, the Spirited Tribe, to record music from a shared magical experience of love and friendship. With Bamboo Flutes, Vocals, Sax, World Percussion, Piano, Hang Drum&Guitars, they create a sound that carries the power to heal.


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Upcoming events

April 30—May 5, Meeuwenveen, Meeuwenveenweg 1-3, 7970 AB Havelte, The Netherlands
May 26—31, Corfu Buddha Hall, Magoulades, Corfu, Greece
Corfu Tantra Festival
June 1, Parc del Llac, Passeig del Bellresguard, 08320 El Masnou, Barcelona, Spain
Mantra Fest

Community members

susana anvoop Roland Leitmeyer cwallackshane Vimal Gabrielsen Praful Christine michael butler ANDRE praful Светлана Michael